Let Your Wedding Sparkle!

Sparkler Photos!


Is there anything more romantic than a shower of gold surrounding the happy couple? Nope. We agree! And that’s why we think sparklers are a great addition to any wedding, although, theres a few things you should think about first. 



What type/size/kind?

18” gold sparklers. These are simply the best, they burn a beautiful gold, and last for over 2 minutes. They’re not too expensive on www.wedding-sparklers.co.uk use code 5%OFFDMP The smaller ones may seem like a good idea, but by the time all of your guests have had their’s lit, the ones at the start have burnt out. Not good. 


Who, What, When, Where…

We LOVE sparkler tunnels that get all of the guests involved! Especially if you do it later on when your evening guests have arrived, it’s a nice way of including them even more in the festivities! It does need to be dark as well for the best look! Where is really up to your venue… some of them have rules about where you need to do them, so it’s worth asking! 


The Other Things

Just a thought…

It’s worthwhile having a metal bucket around to collect the sparkers after the photos! These can be found in any garden centre or DIY store. Another thing we feel we should mention is if your guests are completely, senselessly drunk… we won’t organise the photo, we need to feel comfortable walking through the middle of the sparklers to capture the amazing photos, and there was only 2 occasions out of the 106 weddings we did last year that this happened, it’s nothing personal, we just like to feel safe at work! If you can, appoint 4 guests (groomsmen usually work well for this) to be the “lighters”, we can explain to them what to do, but it helps if there’s designated people for it! 


Beth & Tom | Bury Court Barn


Tamsynn & Mark | Milbridge Court | Surrey Weddings